Virtual Networking Tools

Virtual Networking Tools

Virtual Networking Tools include a Virtual Networking Support (VNS) Grant and Virtual Mobility (VM) Grants. The DE-PASS Virtual Networking Support Manager (VNSM) will develop, manage, promote and implement the Virtual Networking strategy and the Virtual Mobility (VM) grants for DE-PASS. The Virtual Mobility (VM) Grant supports members of DE-PASS to foster collaboration in a virtual setting, to exchange knowledge, learn new techniques, disseminate Action results, etc. VM Grants support a specific activity or activities that do not necessarily require in-person presence but are collaborative in nature (i.e. working with other DE-PASS Action participants). The VM activity or activities should contribute to the stated Research Coordination and Capacity Building objectives of DE-PASS and/or the stated WG (1-4) objectives or deliverables.

DE-PASS Call for Virtual Mobility Grant Applications

Rolling Call

Opens Thursday 15th July, 2021. Final deadline for applications (if all grants are not awarded): 27th August 2021, 17.00.

Number of Grants


Value of Grants

Up to a maximum of €1,500

Who Can apply

DE-PASS Action members with a primary affiliation to an institution located in a COST Full or Cooperating Member country or MC Observers from a COST Near Neighbour Country. (Additional information in Call document)

VM Grant Activity

The format for VM Grants is flexible and applications should propose a specific activity or activities that do not necessarily require in-person presence but are collaborative in nature (i.e. working with other DE-PASS Action participants). The VM Grant applications should contribute to the stated Research Coordination and Capacity Building objectives of DE-PASS and/or the stated WG (1-4) objectives or deliverables. (Suggested activities in Call document)

Application Procedure

Application via e-COST


Rhoda Sohun (DE-PASS Virtual Networking Support Manager)

Additional Information

Please review Call document for additional information on eligibility, financial rules and requirements, priority areas, evaluation criteria and next steps.