
Image for Khudair Publication Dec 2024
DE-PASS Publication: DE-PASS Best Evidence Statement (BESt): A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis on the Effectiveness of Trials on Device-Measured Physical Activity and Sedentary Behaviour and Their Determinants in Children Aged 5–12 Years This systematic review and meta-analysis evaluated the effectiveness of interventions targeting modifiable determinants of device-measured physical activity (PA) and sedentary behavior (SB) in...
Image for Palmeira Publication Nov 2024
DE-PASS Publication: Determinants of physical activities in settings (DE-PASS): Approach for selecting the core measures for determinants of physical activity behaviours in 9-12 old children Balancing the use of appropriate measures for data collection with minimising participant burden is a common challenge in large transdisciplinary research teams. This paper outlines the process used to select...
Image for Ling Publication Nov 2024
  DE-PASS Best Evidence Statement (BESt): Determinants of self-report physical activity and sedentary behaviours in children in settings: A systematic review and meta-analyses Previous programs designed to improve children’s physical activity (PA) and reduce sedentary behavior (SB) often focus on changing factors (determinants) believed to influence these behaviors. However, it’s unclear how these factors relate...
DEPASS animation imagePG
A Brief Look at the Journey of DE-PASS and some Key Outcomes Thank you to our DE-PASS Colleagues Dr Jennifer Duncan and Dr Chloe Williamson who prepared this for DE-PASS as part of a Virtual Mobility Grant.  
Ciaran Closing
As the DEterminants of Physical ActiviteS in Settings Network (DE-PASS) has drawn to a close, I am filled with pride and gratitude reflecting on the journey we’ve shared over the past four years. What began in November 2020 as a vision to unite multidisciplinary stakeholders to better understand the determinants of physical activity behaviours (PABs)...
DE-PASS Final Survey Image
Reflecting on DE-PASS: Share Your Experience! As we approach the end of the DE-PASS COST Action in October 2024, we’re taking a moment to reflect on the last four years of research, collaboration, and progress. But before we conclude, we’d love to hear from you! Whether you were actively involved, participated briefly, or engaged at...
Physical Activity and Children
Kolovelonis, A., Syrmpas, I., Marcuzzi, A., Khudair, M., Ng, K., Tempest, G.D., Peric, R., Bartoš, F., Maier, M., Brandes, M. and Carlin, A., 2024. DE-PASS best evidence statement (BESt): determinants of adolescents’ device-based physical activity and sedentary behaviour in settings: a systematic review and meta-analysis. BMC Public Health, 24(1), p.1706.  DOI:  A DE-PASS manuscript was published...
Joint Webinar on Physical Activity in Older Age Across Europe: May 8th 2024 The PROGRAMMING CA 21122 team, in collaboration with DE-PASS CA 19101 and PhysAgeNet CA 20104, is hosting a joint webinar – Physical activity in older age across Europe – to be held on the 8th of May 2024 (6-7.30pm CET). Register to attend...
DEPASS ITC Conference Grants Call 2024 Inclusive Target Countries (ITC) Conference Grants are aimed at supporting young researchers and innovators from participating ITC and NNC to attend international science and technology related conferences, events or activities topic relevant to the DE-PASS network, Work Groups and Deliverables. A Conference Grant is made which contributes to the...
STSM and VM 2024 Call
What are DE-PASS Researcher and Innovator Mobility Grants? COST Actions such as DEPASS offer grants to members to support researcher and innovator mobility, capacity building and transfer of knowledge through bilateral/multilateral collaborations. Two specific grants exist: 1) Short-Term Scientific Missions (STSMs, Max €4000) and 2) Virtual Mobility (VM, Max €1500): The grants support the achievement...
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