DE-PASS Short Term Scientific Mission from Grant Period 2 – Concept mapping of physical activity behavior for children and adolescents
The Short term scientific mission (STSM) “Concept mapping of physical activity behavior for children and adolescents – preparing, refining and approving a preliminary list of statements” took place at Cassino, Italy in the DE-PASS Grant Period 2 last year. The working group of the STSM consisted of two grantees (Padraic Rocliffe from Ireland and Anne Lovise Nordstoga from Norway) together with the hosts Dr Andrea Fusco (leader of Deliverable 2.3) and Prof. Cristina Cortis (Work Group 2 leader) at the University of Cassino and Lazio Meridionale, Italy. The aim of this STSM was to generate a final list of statements to represent the determinants of physical activity behavior in children and adolescents related to Work Group 2, Deliverable D2.3. This list of statements will be used for the next task of sorting and rating by a group of invited experts.
This STSM was a great opportunity to work and collaborate on the tasks related to our Work Group and to transfer knowledge and experience between the two deliverables D2.3 and D2.4. Furthermore, the STSM provided the opportunity to gain knowledge of concept mapping and the GroupWisdom-software which is useful for Anne Lovise in her work with deliverable D2.4. After all that knowledge transfer, there was also some time for some socialising!
The STSM allowed the awardees to spend valuable time in the host institutions in Italy. The purpose of the STSM grant is to contribute towards accommodation and living costs.
For those interested in undertaking an STSM in this next Grant Action Period (GAP 3) – see the new Grant Call for GAP3 recently announced on the DE-PASS website. The call document indicates the maximum budget assigned to specific STSM opportunities and the contact details of those who can explain the specifics about the STSMs for GAP3