WG 3 Leaders:
Dr Mekdes Gebremariam, University of Oslo, Norway
Prof José Ribeiro. Faculty of Sport - University of Porto, Portugal
Physical Activity Behaviours (PABs) Determinants
To provide a valid online PABs determinant profile measurement toolkit that optimally predicts PABs across gender, life course, socio-economic groups and different settings.
- D3.1. To develop and validate the EuropeaN Physical Activities Determinants Toolkit - EN-PADT (Publication).
- D3.2. To provide a valid online PABs determinant profile measurement toolkit that optimally predicts PABs across the life course, socio-economic groups and in different nations and settings (Online toolkit).
- D3.3. To articulate a consensus statement on consistent terminology and the effective measurement of the determinants of PABs (Publication).
- D3.4. Measuring physical activity behaviour determinant profiles using validated methodologies and best evidence (DE-PASS Training School 5).
WG Descriptor
WG3 PABs Determinant Profile Measurement Toolkit – The new European Physical Activities Determinants Toolkit (EN-PADT) will be validated against objectively measured level of PABs. The measurement of individual determinant profiles include multi-level and multi-disciplinary perspectives, involves individually contributed data and linkages with existing data sources (e.g. Global Information Systems (GIS), Eurostat, health care, birth and death registries, country census & policy audits).
The outputs of WG2 will define the target variables, however, the following can be anticipated:
- Individual e.g. age, sex, socioeconomic status, education, setting, income, academic performance, health/wellbeing status, stress, life events, medication, physical fitness, heart rate, body fat;
- Biological e.g. Genetic profile and regulation;
- Psychological e.g. optimism, perceived competency, self-regulation, mental fatigue; Behavioural e.g. PABs history and patterns, sedentary behaviour, phone usage, independent active mobility, sleep;
- Environment e.g. location, GIS, neighbourhood, backyard access/size, green space access, PA provision and ethos in setting;
- Environment e.g. location, GIS, neighbourhood, backyard access/size, green space access, PA provision and ethos in setting;
A consensus committee will agree best measurement instruments, protocols, and existing data linkage opportunities. Accordingly, a consensus statement around consistent terminology and measurement will be prepared. The toolkit will be provided in essential and expanded formats catering for resource levels, research needs (e.g. inclusion of new candidate determinants) and informing surveillance and policy evaluation. Accurate translation to national language (and back translations) will take place and the potential need to include country/culturally specific extensions will be considered. The toolkit will be organised around a high functioning online and app-based platform, facilitating data upload, ecological momentary assessment, manual data addition, database linkage and integration, federated analysis and sharing. The tool kit will facilitate European data collection harmonisation and compliance with GDPR and FAIR principles.