
: Tag: Covidence

VM Simone Ciaccioni_Dec 2022
DE-PASS Training School: Determinants of Physical Activity Behaviours – Focus on Older Adults (Virtual Mobility Grant): Dr Simone Ciaccioni With this important Cost DE-PASS Virtual Mobility, as deputy leader for the Older Adults focus team Simone Ciaccioni had the opportunity to provide useful information on the definition of determinants of physical activity behaviours with advancing...
TS1 Event 2 Simone Ciaccioni
The second event of the DEterminants of Physical ActivitieS in Settings (DE-PASS) Training School 1, “Covidence and Risk of Bias Assessment” took place on the 30th August 2021. The virtual tutorials were delivered by two trainers, Dr. Simone Ciaccioni and Prof. Laura Capranica, both members of DE-PASS. The “Covidence and Risk of Bias Assessment” tutorials...
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