DE-PASS Publication: DE-PASS Best Evidence Statement (BESt): A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis on the Effectiveness of Trials on Device-Measured Physical Activity and Sedentary Behaviour and Their Determinants in Children Aged 5–12 Years This systematic review and meta-analysis evaluated the effectiveness of interventions targeting modifiable determinants of device-measured physical activity (PA) and sedentary behavior (SB) in...
DE-PASS Best Evidence Statement (BESt): Determinants of self-report physical activity and sedentary behaviours in children in settings: A systematic review and meta-analyses Previous programs designed to improve children’s physical activity (PA) and reduce sedentary behavior (SB) often focus on changing factors (determinants) believed to influence these behaviors. However, it’s unclear how these factors relate...
A Brief Look at the Journey of DE-PASS and some Key Outcomes Thank you to our DE-PASS Colleagues Dr Jennifer Duncan and Dr Chloe Williamson who prepared this for DE-PASS as part of a Virtual Mobility Grant.
As the DEterminants of Physical ActiviteS in Settings Network (DE-PASS) has drawn to a close, I am filled with pride and gratitude reflecting on the journey we’ve shared over the past four years. What began in November 2020 as a vision to unite multidisciplinary stakeholders to better understand the determinants of physical activity behaviours (PABs)...
View the DE-PASS short animation video explaining the EU COST Action CA19101 ‘Determinants of Physical Activity in Settings’. DE-PASS seeks to identify, understand and measure the factors/determinants which promote, maintain or inhibit Physical Activity Behaviours (PABs) across the lifespan and in different settings. The Action aims to translate the knowledge learned to assist and inform...
My journey at the 11th HEPA Europe Conference in Nice, France. I had the opportunity to participate in the 11th HEPA Europe Conference, “An ecosystem approach to health enhancing physical activity promotion” held in Nice, France, on the beautiful French Riviera from the 31st of August – 2nd of September 2022. It was the biggest HEPA...
DEPASS Short Term Scientific Mission and/or Virtual Mobility Grant Opportunity – “DE-PASS Data Management Protocol Development” Deadline 28th October 2022. DE-PASS (DEterminants of Physical Activity BehaviourS in Settings) is an EU COST Action which has a focus on identifying, understanding and measuring the determinants which promote, maintain or inhibit Physical Activity Behaviours (PABs) across the...
Strengthening Sports & Health Monitoring Systems: Future Perspectives, Challenges, Concepts and Necessities Dear Friends and Colleagues, On behalf of the host, the Physical Activity and Sports Tech for Healthy Lifestyles, the EUFITMOS project team from Faculty for Sport and Physical Education at University of Montenegro and the Conference Organizing Committee, I would like to...
First published paper by DE-PASS: Khudair, M., Marcuzzi, A., Ng, K., Tempest, G.D., Bartoš, F., Peric, R., Maier, M., Beccia, F., Boccia, S., Brandes, M. and Cardon, G., 2022. DE-PASS Best Evidence Statement (BESt): modifiable determinants of physical activity and sedentary behaviour in children and adolescents aged 5–19 years–a protocol for systematic review and meta-analysis. BMJ...
DE-PASS STSM / VIRTUAL MOBILITY CALL, June to October 2022. ‼️The application deadline for DEPASS Short Term Scientific Missions and Virtual Mobility Grants has been extended until Friday 24th June. Please contact us at if you are interested and please submit your application prior to the 24th June. All details available at ‼️ COST...