Registration is now closed for face to face workshops, online keynote registration remains open – DEPASS Training School April 2022

By: Eco de Geus/Hidde van der Ploeg/Vilma Čingienė
Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam (VUA)
The Netherlands/Lithuania

Registration is now closed for the face to face workshops, online keynote registration remains open – DEPASS Training School April 2022

DE-PASS Training School “State of the art in physical activity behaviour (PAB) data collection, research harmonisation, integrated and federated data analysis across multiple cohorts and countries”.

The Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam (VUA) and DE-PASS are still inviting members of WG4, the DE-PASS network and the related community to register for the Training School keynote presentations. The keynote presentations will be online Zoom events.

Online Keynotes Presentations Only: You can register for one, two or all three online keynotes. Please indicate choice on the registration link. The online keynotes are open to all DE-PASS members and the related community. Details of each keynote are provided below.

Use following link to register for Keynote Presentations:

Training School Details:

The DE-PASS Training School (TS) extends across a three day period, and will be a live face to face event hosted by the VU Amsterdam (VUA, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam). Registration for the face to face workshops are now closed and all places have been filled. The training school will involve three foci, online keynote presentations (1 hr), and associated practical workshops (~3 hrs). The dates for this event are Monday 4th April, 2022, beginning at 12:30 (CET), Tuesday 5th April and concluding Wednesday 6th April 14:30. The TS will specifically target and be tailored for members of WG4 (European Harmonisation of Data Collection) and facilitate the progression and completion of Deliverables 4.2, 4.4 and 4.5. The details of the keynotes and workshops are as follows:

Focus 1 – State of the art in PAB data collection

April 4thDay 1 Keynote Presentation: Jakob Tarp “How data harmonisation has advanced physical activity and health research”.

                 Day 1 Workshop:  Harmonising PAB data collection & analysis from an accelerometer/self-     report perspective (Part 1).

Focus 2 – Research harmonisation and designs: challenges and opportunities

April 5thDay 2 Keynote Presentation: Isabella Fortier “Data harmonization and integration across studies: The Maelstrom project.”

                 Day 2 Workshop:  Harmonising PAB data collection & analysis from an accelerometer/self-report perspective (Part 2).


Focus 3 – Integrated & Federated data analysis

April 6thDay 3 Keynote Presentation:  Tom Bishop “Federated analysis:  Take the analysis to the data, not the data to the analysis”

                  Day 3 Workshop:  Reading club discussion of papers on integrated data analysis, considering motivation & methodologies for performing integrated analysis e.g. DataSHIELD.

Please now register for this excellent TS! Any questions – contact via “DE-PASS Slack” or

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