DE-PASS Short-Term Scientific Missions / Virtual Mobility Grant Call, June to October 2022.


‼️The application deadline for DEPASS Short Term Scientific Missions and Virtual Mobility Grants has been extended until Friday 24th June. Please contact us at if you are interested and please submit your application prior to the 24th June. All details available at ‼️

COST Actions such as DEPASS offer grants to members to support researcher and innovator mobility, capacity building and transfer of knowledge through bilateral/multilateral collaborations

Two specific grants exist: 1) Short-Term Scientific Missions (STSMs, Max €4000) and 2) Virtual Mobility (VM, Max €1500):

The grants support the achievement of tasks that can help progress the DE-PASS Action, Work Group and Deliverable objectives. The grants are very flexible and the schedule to complete the required tasks can be determined and agreed with the grantee – however all tasks for this year must be completed by 31st October 2022. Please see here for additional details.

DEPASS STSM/VM Call June to October 2022

The Table below describes proposed STSM and VM opportunities, which are relevant for June to October 2022. We now invite expressions of interest for these opportunities for June to October 2022. Please submit email expressions of interest stating what STSM/VM topic that you are interested in to and we will provide you further details and guidance to apply.

Candidates will be asked to formally submit on online application via e-COST prior to the deadline of Friday June 24th, 2022. Notification to all applicants will be 2 weeks after final deadline.

We also greatly welcome and encourage additional suggestions from all DEPASS participants on call topics relevant to the DEPASS Network, Workgroups and Deliverables. Please submit your suggestions to

For more information on the Grant Application process please contact

June to October 2022 DE-PASS STSM & VM Opportunities

WG/Deliverable* Topic/Aim Grant Type/Period
Network level DE-PASS are interested in finding out about the experiences of Young Researcher and Innovators in ITC and non-ITC countries and to find out how the DE-PASS Action can engage with them in a meaningful way. VM June to Oct 2022 (x 1 place)
2.3 Relevant language translation from English of concept mapping information and materials – those with strengths/fluency in a number of European languages or experience in translation should please apply. VM June to Oct 2022 (x 2 places)
2.5 Preparation of Covidence and Risk of Bias Training and Assessment for adult and older adult populations. VM June to Oct 2022 (x 1 place)
2.5 Development of Protocol – Best evidence statement (BESt) of determinants of physical activity behaviours in adults and older adults. STSM June to Oct 2022 (x 1 place)
2.5 Literature Searching/Screening for Best Evidence Statement/s PAB & Determinants Adult or Older Adults VM June to Oct 2022 (x4 places)
3.1 Identification of validated methodologies to measure identified Physical Activity Behaviour (PAB) determinants in children aged 9-19 yrs old e.g. in the individual/biological, psychological, behavioural, socio-cultural, environmental domain. This will involve identifying methodologies which are best suited and most valid for young children and for adolescents, in some cases the methodologies used my involve the parents of young children. Methodologies to measure a range of potential determinants are required and thus a significant team of DEPASS participants is required to complete this task STSM/VM June to Oct 2022. 6 week duration, 4-6 places available.
3.3 Screening of scientific documents for definition of the determinants that require consensus definition in the Individual-Biological / Psychological categories. Preparation and distribution of online surveys to establish consensus, data collection and analysis. VM, June 2022, complete by Aug 2022 (x 1 place)
3.3 Screening of scientific documents for definition of the determinants that require consensus definition in the Socio-cultural and Environmental categories. Preparation and distribution of online surveys to establish consensus, data collection and analysis. VM, June 2022, complete by Aug 2022 (x 1)
CDE General and specific promotional material and avenues for DE-PASS e.g. development of infographics, targeted Work Group and Deliverable promotional material and social media content. VM, to be completed by 31st October 2022 (x1)

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