
: Category: Virtual Networking

physical activity park
DE-PASS Virtual Mobility Experience in Grant Period 2: Validated measures for individual determinants of physical activity behaviours The  Virtual Mobility (VM) that I participated in during the DE-PASS Grant Period 2 (2022) was used to identify and recommend validated measures for individual determinants of physical activity behaviours of children aged 9-19 years old.  I was...
Jan Dygryn_Czechia_VM.GAP2
DE-PASS Virtual Mobility Experience from Grant Period 2 – Screening scientific documents for definition of the determinants of physical activity that require consensus definition Last year, as a member of WG3, I had the unique opportunity to participate in a “Virtual Mobility” (VM) Grant on the topic of screening of scientific documents for definition of...
Anna Marcuzzi_Blog announcement
Virtual mobility grant towards the Best Evidence Statement preparation I was successful in my Virtual Mobility (VM) grant application as part of the virtual networking tools in DE-PASS cost action CA19101 to further advance the work in Deliverable 2.5 (D2.5) in Work Group 2. As deputy lead of D2.5, I have been coordinating D2.5 activities...
Mohammed Khudair_Blog announcement
Determinants of physical activity and sedentary behaviour: Participation in a collaborative production of a best-evidence statement As part of my PhD project, I found a good opportunity in joining DE-PASS work group D.2.5, led by my supervisor Dr Fiona Ling, to which I could contribute to the deliverable and conduct a systematic review and meta-analysis...
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