DE-PASS Virtual Mobility Experience in Grant Period 2: Validated measures for individual determinants of physical activity behaviours

By: Sara Pereira
DE-PASS Member and Virtual Mobility Grant Awardee
CIDEFES, Lusófona University

DE-PASS Virtual Mobility Experience in Grant Period 2: Validated measures for individual determinants of physical activity behaviours

The  Virtual Mobility (VM) that I participated in during the DE-PASS Grant Period 2 (2022) was used to identify and recommend validated measures for individual determinants of physical activity behaviours of children aged 9-19 years old.  I was awarded a VM grant for the work that I undertook.

During the time of this Virtual Mobility, I worked virtually closely with other colleagues from Portugal, Italy and Netherlands in four main phases: (I) identification of validated measures of individual physical activity behaviours in children aged 9-19; (II) creation of a database of measures, evidence-based, aimed at processing and systematizing the measures found; this database included the name and main characteristics of the instruments, such as information about their validation (validated countries and languages), population (e.g., children only or children and adolescents), as well as strengths and limitations of their use in the context of DE-PASS. Finally, a short-list of measures was created; (III) online discussions and validation with members of the DE-PASS team and with experts in the area to debate and further validate the short-list of measures elaborated in phase II; (IV) development of a logic model depicting the associations between the determinants found in the literature. Logic model is available at:

The final deliverables aimed to support the DE-PASS team in their decision-making processes about selecting the determinants’ measures.

This was a great opportunity to strengthen my European network, as well as to work collaboratively with other individuals, which are known to be corner stones for a successful researcher.

For those interested in undertaking a Virtual Mobility (VM) in this next Grant Action Period (GAP 3) – see the new Grant Call for GAP3 recently announced on the DE-PASS website. The call document indicates the maximum budget assigned to specific VM opportunities and the contact details of those who can explain the specifics about the VMs for GAP3.

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