
: Tag: ITC Conference Grant

DEPASS ITC Conference Grants Call 2024 Inclusive Target Countries (ITC) Conference Grants are aimed at supporting young researchers and innovators from participating ITC and NNC to attend international science and technology related conferences, events or activities topic relevant to the DE-PASS network, Work Groups and Deliverables. A Conference Grant is made which contributes to the...
ITC Grant Call 1
ITC Conference Grants Call Inclusive Target Countries (ITC) Conference Grants are aimed at supporting young researchers and innovators from participating ITC and NNC to attend international science and technology related conferences, events or activities topic relevant to the DE-PASS network, Work Groups and Deliverables. A Conference Grant is made which contributes to the overall travel,...
ITC Conference Grants Call Inclusive Target Countries (ITC) Conference Grants are aimed at supporting young researchers and innovators from participating ITC and NNC to attend international science and technology related conferences, events or activities topic relevant to the DE-PASS network, Work Groups and Deliverables. A Conference Grant is made which contributes to the overall travel,...
Ivana M_Blog announcement
Dr Ivana Milovanović, Associate Professor at the University of Novi Sad, Faculty of Sport and Physical Education, Serbia, recipient of an Inclusiveness Target Countries (ITC) Conference Grant I am delighted to report that I was successful in my application for an ITC Conference Grant (advertised by the DE-PASS COST Action) and recently presented at the...
Pinar Gultekin cert
4th International Aegean Symposiums, Social Sciences & Humanities-IV 11-12 September 2021 İzmir, Turkey Hosted by the IKSAD and ATLAS Journals I was successful in my application to DE-PASS for an Inclusiveness Target Countries (ITC) grant aimed at supporting early career researchers to present work at international conferences on topics relevant to the DE-PASS network.  I...
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