
: Tag: D2.5

Deliverable 2.5 – GRADE-ing our BESt (Best Evidence STatement) for the key modifiable physical activity determinants Thanks to ALL Deliverable 2.5 colleagues who have been contributing to the systematic review process in the past 6 months. As the deliverable lead, I am truly excited to see how members regularly share their thoughts and raise questions...
Anna Marcuzzi_Blog announcement
Virtual mobility grant towards the Best Evidence Statement preparation I was successful in my Virtual Mobility (VM) grant application as part of the virtual networking tools in DE-PASS cost action CA19101 to further advance the work in Deliverable 2.5 (D2.5) in Work Group 2. As deputy lead of D2.5, I have been coordinating D2.5 activities...
fog and forest
The core group of Deliverable 2.5 kick-started our work on 24th June, 2021, with the support of 2 successful STSM (Short Term Scientific Mission) applicants, Dr Kwok Ng (University of Eastern Finland/University of Limerick) and Dr Esther Garcia Sanchez (Fundación para la Formación e Investigación Sanitarias de las Región de Murcia). The aim of this...
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