
: Tag: Work Group 2

Anna Marcuzzi_Blog announcement
Virtual mobility grant towards the Best Evidence Statement preparation I was successful in my Virtual Mobility (VM) grant application as part of the virtual networking tools in DE-PASS cost action CA19101 to further advance the work in Deliverable 2.5 (D2.5) in Work Group 2. As deputy lead of D2.5, I have been coordinating D2.5 activities...
Ratko Peric_Blog announcement
Virtual Mobility (VM) Grant to create BESt on determinants of Physical Activities for children/adolescents As one of the deliverables for the DE-PASS cost action CA19101 is to produce a Best Evidence Statement (BESt), this Virtual Mobility (VM) was a great occasion to work with the WG2, Deliverable 2.5 Core group members in charge of creation...
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