DEPASS Short Term Scientific Mission and/or Virtual Mobility Grant Opportunity – “DE-PASS Data Management Protocol Development” Deadline 28th October 2022

By: Dr Kieran Dowd
Technological University of the Shannon (TUS)

DEPASS Short Term Scientific Mission and/or Virtual Mobility Grant Opportunity – “DE-PASS Data Management Protocol Development” Deadline 28th October 2022.

DE-PASS (DEterminants of Physical Activity BehaviourS in Settings) is an EU COST Action which has a focus on identifying, understanding and measuring the determinants which promote, maintain or inhibit Physical Activity Behaviours (PABs) across the lifespan and in different settings and translating this knowledge to assist policy-makers to achieve greater health impact. DEPASS involves 40 nations and in excess of 200 participants. Please see website for additional details –

COST Actions such as DE-PASS offer grants to support researcher and innovator mobility, capacity building and transfer of knowledge through bilateral/multilateral collaborations. Two specific grants exist: 1) Short-Term Scientific Missions (STSMs) and 2) Virtual Mobility (VM).

STSMs involve the grant applicant travelling to and collaborating with a host organisation located in a different country and can be for any duration with a maximum award of €4,000.

VM consists of a collaboration in a virtual setting among researchers or innovators within the COST Action and can be for any duration with a maximum award of €1,500.

A key task for DEPASS at this time is the development of the DE-PASS Data Management Protocol. In summary this task will involve the development of data management, sharing and usage protocols. The task will involve collecting and considering existing data management protocol documents and from these developing a data management protocol which is fit for purpose for DEPASS – it is possible that existing data management protocols will be found to suit the needs of DEPASS. Full details of this task are attached.

This task is relevant to all of DEPASS but is specifically relevant to Work Group 4 which aims to harmonise of European data collection which involves objectively measured PABs and their determinants across 10 or more nations.  The STSM/VM opportunity described provides a pathway to become centrally involve in a project of great value, impact and potential. It is possible that the achievement of this key task can involve a number of individuals and a combination of STSM and VM grant awards. Please note that all application materials and letters of support have previously been prepared and the STSM/VM will be hosted by the Technological University of the Shannon (TUS), Ireland. Here Dr Kieran Dowd will be the host and director of the task. The task will involve a part commitment during November 2022, aiming to have the task complete by the end of that month, a placement of approx. 10 days at TUS is anticipated.

Full detailed description of what is involved please see the “DE-PASS Data Management Protocol  Development” document here.

Please do the following:

  • If the opportunity is of interest to you – please contact directly
  • Please send this to a PhD student, recent PhD graduate or research staff who may be in a position to give this task some time – if they are interested please ask them to contact directly. Note – they will become a member of DEPASS to apply for grant award.
  • Please contact directly by the 28th October regarding this opportunity

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