DE-PASS Training School 1 Event 2-4 Update

By: Thierry Baba
University of Limerick

The Training School comprises four events, which occur in June, August and September 2021. The overarching theme is “Consensus, concept mapping and best evidence statement (BESt) methodologies”.  DE-PASS participants and Early Career Researchers may attend events which interest them most, while others especially members of WG 2 and Deliverables 2.3 and 2.5 may attend all or more events.  The training school will develop capacity and competencies related to the overarching theme and extends across a longer period to accommodate the online nature of provision, availability of trainers and to maximise participation. Below are the planned events 2-4 for August and September. 

Event 2 “Using online tools to support the implementation of a Systematic Literature Review/Meta-Analysis” will take place on August 30th, 2021. The event will comprise of 2-3 hour Tutorial using Covidence software. Interactive Tutorial, of small group (x20). 

Event 3 “Application and Implementation of Group Concept Mapping Techniques”. Takes place September 23rd , 2021 (CET 14.00-18.00). This event will be presenter by Concept Systems Inc. Event 3 will consist of Webinar, plenary and breakout rooms, with medium group capacity (x 50).

Event 4 “Implementation, analysis and outputs pertaining to Group Concept Mapping” Will take place on September 30th, 2021 (CET 14.00 – 17.00). Presented by Concept Systems Inc, and include Interactive Tutorial, small group (x20)


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