Seeking candidates for a Marie Skłodowska-Curie European Postdoctoral Fellowship 2022 application

Seeking candidates for a Marie Skłodowska-Curie European Postdoctoral Fellowship 2022 application.

The project: DE-PASS is a COST-Action focused on the determinants of physical activity behaviours. One of the planned outputs of DE-PASS is a Europe-wide “Proof of Concept” prospective cohort study. This is a multi-centred cross-European data collection project. In each country, physical activity data measured using an accelerometer-based device and survey data of determinants of physical activity behaviours will be recorded.

The roles of the post-doctoral researcher will include:

  • The design and development of study protocols
  • The co-ordination of multi-centred data collection
  • The design of data processing and management procedures
  • Supporting the development of federated data analysis approaches.

Researcher Career Development: The appointed post-doctoral researcher will benefit for the established DE-PASS COST Action network through:

  • DE-PASS Training Schools
  • Engaging in multi-disciplinary research with access to broad ranging expertise
  • Dissemination


The project Team: The project is being managed by Professor Alan Donnelly and Dr Ciarán MacDonncha from the University of Limerick and Dr Kieran Dowd from Technological University of Shannon in the Republic of Ireland. The post-doc will also have access to the expertise of the Working Group 4 of DE-PASS, led by Prof Eco de Geus from Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam and Dr Hidde Van der Ploeg from AU Medical Center, the Netherlands. The project team will provide significant support to applicants during the European application process.

The Host University: If successful, the post-doctoral researcher will be based in the Physical Activity for Health research cluster Physical Activity for Health (PAfH) | UL – Health Research Institute in the University of Limerick. The cluster is based in the Department of Physical Education and Sport Sciences.

How do I apply? Potential applicants should contact Alan Donnelly ( regarding a Marie Curie application. Prospective applicants need to be <8 years from PhD graduation and have a strong research record of accomplishment, including an excellent publication record and set of achievements. Expressions of Interest must be submitted by email to Alan Donnelly on June 1st 2022.

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