DE-PASS Short Term Scientific Mission (STSM): Protocol for Cost DE-PASS Review – Focus on Older Adults.
The “Short Term Scientific Mission (STSM): Protocol for Cost DE-PASS Review – Focus on Older Adults” represented the best opportunity to fulfil the crucial goal to develop the review protocol for the Work Group 2 (i.e., “Evidence Translation – Framework, Consensus and Guidelines”) – Deliverable 2.5. In fact, the project final purpose is to construct a Best Evidence Statement regarding the key settings and life course determinants of Physical Activity and Sedentary Behaviours, which should be prioritised and targeted within public policies and interventions.
As deputy leader of the DE-PASS review team focusing on Older Adults, dr. Simone Ciaccioni (University of Rome “Foro Italico”, Italy) had the precious chance to be hosted by the Norwegian team; in particular he collaborated closely with the team leader prof. Linda Ernstsen and her PhD student Ms. Maren Lerfald. The cooperative activities took place at the Department of Public Health and Nursing – Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences of the Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU). Simone could use the very modern and functional structures and services offered by NTNU. Moreover, this STSM allowed an effective and efficient collaboration between the international components of the review core-group, with the valuable advantage to share the multi-disciplinary expertise residing in the review team. Considering that the development of the review protocol is a critical and complex phase of the whole review process, the team took advantage of the STSM to set out the methods to be applied in the review, providing an explicit plan for the work group. Decisions about the review question, inclusion and exclusion criteria, search strategy, study selection, data extraction, quality and risk of bias assessment, data synthesis and plans for dissemination have been addressed. Indeed, the STSM determined a tremendous boost to the Older Adults focus team activities.