
: Category: News

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Training School April 2022  Data collection, harmonisation, integrated & federated data analysis DE-PASS Training School “State of the art in physical activity behaviour (PAB) data collection, research harmonisation, integrated and federated data analysis across multiple cohorts and countries” The DE-PASS Training School (TS) extends across a three day period, and will be a live face...
Funded PhD Studentships available at Northumbria University – Closing Date Feb 18th 2022 Just one of the ambitious and valuable aims of the COST Action “Determinants of Physical ActivitieS in Settings” (DE-PASS) is to provide an effective Knowledge Transfer Platform (KTP). DE-PASS brings together researchers from a host of nations all interested in advancing science...
TS1 Event 3 and 4
DE-PASS in partnership with Concept Systems Inc and PAfH (Physical Activity for Health Research Cluster, University of Limerick, Ireland) are now inviting members of DE-PASS to register for the following Summer Training School event/s: 1) Group Concept Mapping Webinar & Tutorial or 2) Group Concept Mapping Webinar ONLY.   Please note if you want to...
fog and forest
The core group of Deliverable 2.5 kick-started our work on 24th June, 2021, with the support of 2 successful STSM (Short Term Scientific Mission) applicants, Dr Kwok Ng (University of Eastern Finland/University of Limerick) and Dr Esther Garcia Sanchez (Fundación para la Formación e Investigación Sanitarias de las Región de Murcia). The aim of this...
TS1 Event 2 Simone Ciaccioni
The second event of the DEterminants of Physical ActivitieS in Settings (DE-PASS) Training School 1, “Covidence and Risk of Bias Assessment” took place on the 30th August 2021. The virtual tutorials were delivered by two trainers, Dr. Simone Ciaccioni and Prof. Laura Capranica, both members of DE-PASS. The “Covidence and Risk of Bias Assessment” tutorials...
Registration Open for DE-PASSPAfH Summer Training School 1
The Training School comprises four events, which occur in June, August and September 2021. The overarching theme is “Consensus, concept mapping and best evidence statement (BESt) methodologies”.  DE-PASS participants and Early Career Researchers may attend events which interest them most, while others especially members of WG 2 and Deliverables 2.3 and 2.5 may attend all...
maria application
Among DE-PASS’ objectives is the goal to establish harmonisation of European cross-sectional and longitudinal data collection which involves objectively measured physical activity behaviours (PABs) and their determinants, which will be carried out by Work Group 4 (WG4). One of the planned outputs of DE-PASS WG4 (Deliverable 4.5) is a Europe-wide “proof of concept” cohort study. ...
Registration Open for DE-PASSPAfH Summer Training School 1
We are delighted to report that DE-PASS first Training School (TS) “Consensus, concept mapping and best evidence statement (BESt) methodologies” was officially launched in June 2021. DE-PASS first TS will comprise of four separate events, and the first event took place virtually June 23rd, 2021. The event, co-hosted with the Physical Activity and Health Research...
ITC Conference Grant
The first ITC conference grant organised by the Montenegrin Sports Academy and the Faculty for Sport and Physical Education at the University of Montenegro, FÉDÉRATION INTERNATIONALE D´ÉDUCATION PHYSIQUE (FIEP Europe), was successfully completed by Dr. Jovan Vuković. Dr. Vuković participated at the 18th Annual scientific conference of Montenegrin Sports Academy and the 16th FIEP European...
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